Users may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services
Microsoft Support Update:
Final Status: Following our review of telemetry and network diagnostics, we identified that the service outage was due to a recent upstream service update, leading to connectivity issues. We performed a rollback, and have confirmed via diagnostic review that environment access and environment functionality has been restored.
Note: You may be able to access some services and not others as this problem is intermittent.
From Microsoft:
Current status: We’ve isolated the problem to a networking configuration issue, and we are analyzing the best mitigation strategy to address it without causing additional impact. We’ll provide more information once we have additional information. Scope of impact: Any user serviced by the affected infrastructure may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services. Next update by: Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 11:00 AM (11:00 AM UTC)
The following is from Microsoft Support:
User Impact: Users may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services.
More info: We’ve received reports that the following services are impacted:
-Microsoft Teams
-Exchange Online
-SharePoint Online
-OneDrive for Business
-Microsoft Graph
Current status: We’ve identified a potential networking issue and are reviewing telemetry to determine the next troubleshooting steps.
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